Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Nothing Impotent.

Most of the time I blog for the Fan Fare. Or to make a witty point. This however is totally unorganized and has no point other than to share a fraction of what goes through my head.

Now that I live in a place that has sun I truly can appreciate solar powered yard lights.Being from Seattle I thought they were just chrome pillars of hope that someday there would be enough sun to charge the batteries to get a few hours or light for free.

On a test drive I watched a Lexus RX Hybrid and a Diesel Dodge Ram drag racing stop light to stop light. I wonder if the soccer Mom in her snobby green car was scoffing at the environmental ignorance of the man in the Ram?

While driving home the one day I saw a car with eight inch letters spelling "" across it's bumper. The car had just rear ended another vehicle. No Doubt they were chatting on the phone.

I work for Chrysler. My boss calls me a communist for driving a Honda. Yesterday he showed up to work driving a Honda Motorcycle. I promptly went to the parts department and stole two stickers. One says made in America with Pride. One Says made in Canada. I applied the Made in America sticker to his Cycle and the next time he drives his Dodge I will be placing the Oh Canada tag on it.

I sometimes wonder that if I had actually paid attention in school if I would be designing the same cars that I fix or if I would have done it right.


  1. lot going on up there mister! I appreciate that much of your intelligence is spent on clever ways to be hilarious! Makes life even better for everyone! But never under estimate your brains dude! You've got much more than many! and still more than most... i deal with the public! So I know!

  2. Oh crap - how the hell did I miss this post? Makes a very valid point, like the guy I saw on the Westgate Freeway today in a Lancer with a southern cross sticker on the back window... Duh, I bet he has an "Australian Made" tattoo too, done my an asian tattoo artist. Pfft.

    Anyway, enough with the sporadic posting. Post more often. You just about have me in stitches every time!
