Wednesday, October 27, 2010

You can in fact pick your Family.

Two, what seem to be very short years ago I moved to Denver to follow love. If I told myself ten years ago that I would not only leave the small town I grew up in but I would move 1500 miles from it I would have committed myself. I grew up knowing people from kindergarten through High School. And usually ended up in their weddings. When I moved off of the Island to the mainland in my twenties it was a culture shock. You could go to the store without seeing people that changed your diaper or your parent's. And people didn't seem to have the same close bond, they were fragmented. I made new friends but they just weren't the same and I wrote it off to the fact that people didn't grow up in a test tube like I had. I kept going back to the Rock and the good friends that had been my life for decades thinking it would never change and it doesn't get much better.

Besides my love I found something else in Denver, I found an Amazing Stepdaughter, Stepsister and Mother in law. I found a group of friends that are more like family than friends much like what I had grown up with but so much different. I found that outside the fishbowl that I grew up in there was huge beautiful world to explore and lessons to learn and new Family to meet. And best of all I found myself.